Storme Millennium Tutorials

Descriptive Index of our Tutorials


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Please Note:  I had part of my site at TopCity and the pages are not working, I will slowly replace all and move them here.  They did not respond to my mails, so will not use their server again. My apologies for the ones that are not working at present.


Animated Background demonstrates how to make a basic animated background.

Beginners Animation - 1 and  Beginners Animation - 2- give those learning animation shop the basics.  It shows you how to make a simple text animation using the animation wizard with Paint Shops Animation shop. Combined with Easy Animation Using Text Effects you're all set to make your own animations.

*Bow Tutorial* - was created some time ago and just put it online.  It shows one way to make a bow look.  Intermediate level.

Circle Dingbat Tutorial - We used dingbats formed in a circle to create a tag.  You can make them different colors and any shape.  This was not our original idea.

Clover Tutorial - is simple and easy.  We created a clover to use as a shamrock for St. Patrick's Day.  You make a heart shape and form that into your main clover, then all you need is a stem!

  Color Basics Tutorial - Part I  and Color Basics Tutorial - Part II give beginners the basics of your color palette and more in Paint Shop Pro.

Decorative Tutorials Index - is a list of our tutorials revolving around creating a girl with decorative eyes using shapes.  They will be listed separately below also.

Decorative Eyes Tutorial - shows you how to create eyes with shapes around them.  They can be colorful or plain with long eyelashes or none. They are used in our Girl with decorative eyes tute and our furry cat tute.

Girl with decorative Eyes and Braids I and Girl with decorative Eyes II - shows you how to create a girl and add the eyes or create them as you go.  I tried to keep it simple, but it is advanced.  I'm not good with hands and arms, so made a simple top with arms going behind or in front.  Also show other samples.  This one shows you how to make hair braids with the shape tool and discusses other ways to create hair.  The top and slacks are very easy to create.

Ice Cream Sundae with Counter and Girl Tutorial - This places the girl from the above tute at an ice cream counter with a sundae.  Again this is easy.  You basically used the shapes tool and your paintbrush.  It's intermediate level, but beginners can easily do it.  I use eyecandy's marble with it, but you don't have to.

Furry Cat with Decorative Eyes Tutorial - I and *urry Cat II- This shows you how to make a furry looking cat with the decorative eyes.  These decorative eyes have more of a black lid over the eye and an additional shape for the pupil, very neat!  I used EyeCandy effects and the retouch tool for the fur look.  Hope you like it. 

*Diamond Tweed Frame Tutorial*  - A more advanced frame using Paint Shop Pro and the Redfield Jama Plug in, which you can download at the creator's site for free use.  It takes a little time and gives a different diamond design to your pictures and frames. It shows a couple of different ideas to try.

*Easy Animation Using Text Effects*  shows you how to use the basic animation effects that are included in the Animation Shop Program. I tried to keep it simple, but it seems harder only because I tried to be as detailed as possible for beginners.

Easy Screen Capture in PSP gives the basic information for you to copy a picture of your screen and paste it into paint shop for your use. These screen pictures are how we show you the how to's with the graphic in paintshop. 

*Filling Text Animation Tutorial 1*, *Filling Text Animation Tutorial 2* and *Filling Text Animation Tutorial3* - show you how to make text look like it's filling up with water or losing water.  You can have a tube, like I have a dolphin, drinking from it or use any tubes you like to add to your animation.

Frame In Frame Tutorial shows you another way to fill in a frame for another graphic effect.  There are many plug-ins for doing this similarly, but note seemed to give a nice even effect.

Frame on Fire Animated Tutorial explains how to animate fire within a frame. 

Kalaided Mosaic Tube Tutorial  - uses the mosaic effect and plug-ins, then framing the picture you create. More for intermediate level.

Launching Animation Shop gives basic information for opening Animation Shop from your Paint Shop Program for beginners. I created a few basic simple tutorial to help beginners in a group.

Paint Shop Canvas Sizing shows beginners how to increase the size of your current background canvas, if you want a larger workspace, while working on your graphic or picture.

PreShape Frame Tutorial shows you how to make frames using the Preshape tool in Paint Shop later versions like PSP 6 and 7.  I use PSP 7.  This is great for beginners.

Room Divider Tutorial - shows you how to create an easy divider and how to place a graphic scene on all the slats.

Shadow Scalloped Frame Tutorial - is a simple border, but takes a little time to configure.  It is created in Paint Shop using the Redfield Jama Plug-in, which is available free from the Redfield site, link provided.  You use any graphic and create a scallop looking border using the plug in and a drop shadow for your border.

*Simple Table Tutorial* - shows you how to create a very simple country table.  We saw the idea at a photo impact tutorial and created it for Paint shop users.  Beginners can do it easily using the shapes tool.

Slate Pad Tutorial - was our first try.  Someone needed a graphic and we tried making it.  We used the page curl plug in to create the look of the pad lifting up.

*Sleeping Bag Tutorial* is a simple sleeping bag design.  More for an intermediate level user of Paint shop, but not too difficult.  You can make a very simple one or use a page curl plug in, which comes in later Paint shop versions, for an effect also.

 Sparkly Varied  Background Tutorial - is a background make with a sparkly look using a plug in, Xenofex,  for the effect.

Star Animated Tree - I and Star Animated Tree - II - are not hard to make you copy and paste stars or duplicate them and then add sparkles or what you like and save, then animate.  This tute was created about 2 years ago and has been sitting on a disk.  Hope you try it for the next holiday season!

Text for Animation*- helps you create simple animation with text.  You can use the beginners animation tutes above to finish your creation.

Tie and handkerchief Tutorial II shows you how to create a man's tie and handkerchief graphic.  They can be added to the Shirt and Tie Tutorial I, where you create a man's shirt.  We had created this tute for Father's Day graphics some time ago, and just recently put them online.

 T-Shirt Tutorial shows you how to create a basic t-shirt in paint shop and then add a graphic to it if you like. There are a few t-shirts on the page that can be copied.


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*Before* and after a name, indicates a newer tutorial, updated or new url. They would be our latest additions within a month or two of the update date posted at the bottom of this page.


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  Storme Millennium Tutorial Index is a list of our tutorials without description.

   Someday will do tutorials on how we create some of our adoptions or originals, a couple of which are on our Storme Designs Sample Page.   


Please leave your link in our Guestbook or Email us if you try any of our tutorials.Also if you would like to be notified, when we add new tutes,, please email us or let us know in the GuestBook, thank you.

    Our Graphic Index is at Storme Millennium Graphic Platform. Here at the Loft will be the same list, but with descriptions of each set for your convenience. I'll try to categorize them also.


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If you create a graphic from any of our tutorials, please let us know.  If it's online will provide a link to your site.

Remember you must click on the right side of your mouse only and save any graphics to your own computer, unless you have a Mac. Save as target or as picture to your download file or disc. Take a minute and think as you click, so you don't left click by accident and link to someone's site, or use the e-mail link and ask for advice.

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Please visit  Storme Designs. Our business site, where we'll design a set exclusively for you or just a banner, also will do web pages.


bullet(1656 bytes) We have an Index of our sites at Storme Millennium Index.



If you use any of our graphics, please provide a link back to

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This set is Not to be copied, but will be offered on the web soon.


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The loft was last touched up on April 20, 2006.



Tutorials are online through 50 Megs.