welcome (10722 bytes)

Butterfly Sky

                         Welcome (10616 bytes)                  

I made a few different backgrounds with this.  The set is on two pages.

The other page has a bordered background, The Framed butterfly.

Some of the backgrounds have textured, but the main button goes with

the plain background.  If you need anything special, you can order

it through Storme Designs. A larger square button can go on any of the

backgrounds and ones can be created for the textures.

garden.jpg (3096 bytes)

    As always, remember to right click and save the graphic to

        your own computer, disk or cd.  If you need help, please ask.

dingbutterflyaquanature.jpg (2732 bytes)

animals (2865 bytes)

dingdarkbutterflylinetr.gif (8253 bytes)

friend (2219 bytes)         

map (1906 bytes)             index (2022 bytes)

dingbutterflyaquasigngustbk.jpg (3410 bytes)          dingbutterflyaquaviwgustbk.jpg (3396 bytes)

dingbutterflydarklinetr4.gif (6381 bytes)

  If you use any of our graphics, please let us know.  We would

enjoy visiting your site and will provide a link back.

Please put a subject line in your mail regarding the graphics,

      we delete unknown mail, sorry.

email (4500 bytes)

back(2026 bytes)        home (2044 bytes)

NExt (1959 bytes)        top (1847 bytes)

       Font used was .Freefrm721 Blk BT.

line(4422 bytes)

bullet (3188 bytes) bullets   bullet (2011 bytes)

Below is another textured background.




        If you use any of our graphics, please provide a link back to

http://mystyqcat.50megs.com/main.html   , thank you.

Storme Designs (3389 bytes)



Below is another background like this one, but with two butterflies together.




Any of these designs can be made in different colors, as the background below.





On the other page, The Framed Butterfly,  you'll find more buttons like the one below.

                Storme Designs (5653 bytes)                  


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Our page was last edited on July 5, 2004.


Butterflies are at  50 Megs.